Realizing the Durban Declaration and Program of Action is at the Heart of Our Pan-African Global Reparations Movement

The 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa was a historic moment in the struggle for African peoples. With people from every corner of the world present, civil society and governments reached a consensus and issued the Durban Declaration and Program of Action (DDPA).

The DDPA was the hard-won result of tremendous effort to educate, organize and mobilize African people and allies for years prior to the conference. 

The world declared colonialism, slavery, and apartheid crimes against humanity, without a statute of limitations and that reparations are due.

The DDPA is a tool that was fought and won. We must affirm, defend, fully claim, and assert the DDPA as our human right of self-determination.

We strongly recommend that the future work of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent utilize the Durban Declaration and Program of Action (DDPA) as its central working document and ensure the effective implementation of the DDPA.

We can not let short term promises of 30 pieces of silver cause us to betray our peoples. The USA and other European countries, former colonizers, fought our DDPA efforts then and continue to work to control our movements today.

An open letter to the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent will be issued before the next Session. Support the demand for its work to be grounded in the DDPA and the full and complete repair & justice it calls for. Provide your info and we will keep in touch around the Open Letter and other ways to engage.
Contact info: Efia Nwangaza